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J Stroke > Volume 27(1); 2025 > Article
Ariyada, Yamagishi, Sairenchi, Kihara, Iso, and Irie: Association of Hypertension and Subclinical Organ Damage With Mortality Due to Stroke and Its Subtypes
Dear Sir:
The relationship between hypertension and cardiovascular diseases has been consistently observed [1-4], as has the relationship between cardiovascular diseases and hypertensive organ damage, indicated by electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, funduscopic changes, and chronic kidney disease [5]. However, few studies have comprehensively examined such risk factors for stroke. We sought to elucidate the association between risk factors assessed during screening examinations, including markers of hypertensive subclinical organ damage, and the risk of mortality attributed to total stroke and its subtypes, including subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, and ischemic stroke, in Japanese residents.
The Ibaraki Prefectural Health Study comprised participants aged 40-79 years who underwent a health checkup in 1993 for health education and policymaking purposes [6]. The 93,651 enrolled participants were followed up until 2016. Markers of hypertensive subclinical organ damage were defined as follows: funduscopic changes (Keith-Wagener-Barker classification ≥grade 1), resting ECG ST-T changes diagnosed by well-trained physicians, proteinuria ≥1+, and low estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2. We calculated the population attributable fraction (PAF) to assess the contribution of each risk factor to mortality due to stroke or its subtypes, the hazard ratio (HR) of mortality due to stroke and its subtypes associated with four types of subclinical organ damage, with and without hypertension, and the trend across categories based on the count of subclinical organ damage markers, using Cox proportional hazard models. Detailed methods are provided in Supplementary Methods. The protocol of the Ibaraki Prefectural Health Study was approved by the Ethics Committees of Ibaraki Prefecture (R5-1) and the University of Tsukuba (1628-4). Informed consent was obtained from community representatives to conduct this epidemiological study.
During a 23.1-year median follow-up, there were 3,858 deaths due to total stroke, including 490 from subarachnoid hemorrhage, 905 from intracerebral hemorrhage, and 2,397 from ischemic stroke. Table 1 shows the age-adjusted means and prevalence of baseline characteristics of the patients who died due to stroke and its subtypes and of those who remained stroke-free. Compared with non-cases, those who died from total stroke had a significantly higher prevalence of hypertension, ECG ST-T changes, funduscopic changes, proteinuria, and low eGFR. Similar trends were observed for stroke subtypes. As shown in Table 2 and Supplementary Table 1, atrial fibrillation was strongly associated with the risk of mortality due to total stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, and ischemic stroke. Current smoking status was significantly associated with mortality due to subarachnoid hemorrhage. In contrast, the PAF of mortality from total stroke was the highest for hypertension (21%). A similar tendency was observed for mortality due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, and ischemic stroke (23%, 18%, and 23%, respectively). Among hypertensive patients (Table 3 and Supplementary Table 2), mortality from total stroke was significantly associated with all four markers when compared with non-hypertensive individuals without subclinical organ damage: multivariable HR (95% confidence interval [CI]) were 2.45 (2.05-2.94) for ECG ST-T changes, 1.82 (1.66-2.00) for funduscopic changes, 1.78 (1.46-2.17) for proteinuria, and 1.78 (1.58-2.01) for low eGFR. Although funduscopic changes, proteinuria, and low eGFR were associated with stroke mortality, even among non-hypertensive individuals, each multivariable HR was lower than that among hypertensive patients. In addition, the number of markers was linearly associated with the risk of mortality from stroke and stroke type in individuals with hypertension. Notably, these results were generally similar when analyzed separately for men and women.
Our results highlight the association of hypertension and subclinical organ damage with mortality due to stroke and its subtypes. The PAF for hypertension of total stroke death (approximately 20%) was consistent with that in the other Asia-Pacific regions [7]. Despite notable regional variations in the impact of hypertension on fatal stroke risk, globally, hypertension was consistently the leading risk factor with the highest PAF for cardiovascular mortality, especially for stroke [1]. It is noteworthy that these markers were also associated with the risk of stroke mortality among non-hypertensive individuals, although the magnitude of association was smaller than that among hypertensive individuals. Our previous study showed that mild hypertensive retinopathy was associated with a higher risk of stroke mortality, regardless of the presence of hypertension [8], and the present study extended these findings by showing that the association was also applicable to other types of subclinical organ damage with a longer follow-up. Subclinical organ damage may reflect masked, borderline, or past hypertension. Thus, screening for these markers may be useful for non-hypertensive individuals to assess the future risk of stroke mortality.
This is the first study to examine the association of hypertension and subclinical organ damage with the risk of mortality due to stroke and its subtypes in Asia. Large-scale cohort settings allowed for the analysis of stroke type and hypertension status. However, this study had several limitations. First, the study population was limited to Japanese individuals; therefore, generalizability should be considered with caution. However, evidence based on the population, including the high incidence of stroke, could provide a reference for other countries affected by stroke epidemics. Second, because participation in health checkups was voluntary, the healthy participant effect was unavoidable. Furthermore, we used data for each risk factor measured only at baseline. During a follow-up period of >20 years, participants characteristics, such as blood pressure, may have changed due to lifestyle modifications or treatment conditions. This may have weakened the association with stroke mortality owing to dilution bias. Finally, owing to its observational nature, this study could not prove that controlling hypertension could prevent stroke. Rather, it highlights the importance of screening for cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension-related organ damage.
In conclusion, we found significant associations between hypertension, along with markers of subclinical organ damage, and stroke mortality. Screening examinations including hypertensive markers may contribute to the prevention of mortality from any type of stroke in normotensive and hypertensive patients.

Supplementary materials

Supplementary materials related to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.5853/jos.2024.01683.
Supplementary Table 1.
Hazard ratios and population attributable fractions of stroke subtypes
Supplementary Table 2.
Hazard ratios of stroke subtypes according to the markers of subclinical organ damage and the number of them among hypertensive individuals among hypertensive and nonhypertensive individuals


Funding statement
This study was supported by the Ibaraki Prefectural Government and Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Health and Labour Sciences Research Grants, Japan (H20-Junkankitou [Seishuu]-Ippan-013, H23-Junkankitou [Seishuu]-Ippan-005, H26-Junkankitou [Seisaku]-Ippan-001, H29-Junkankitou [Seishuu]-Ippan-003, JP20FA1002 and JP-23FA1006), and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Kakenhi grant numbers JP17H04121 and JP21H03194.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest.
Author contribution
Conceptualization: KA, KY. Study design: KA, KY. Methodology: KA, KY, TS, HI, FI. Data collection: KY, TS, FI. Investigation: all authors. Statistical analysis: KA. Writing—original draft: KA. Writing—review & editing: KY, TS, TK, HI, FI. Funding acquisition: KY, TS, HI. Approval of final manuscript: all authors.


The authors wish to thank the staff of the Ibaraki Prefectural Government for their management and the staff of the Ibaraki Prefectural Health Plaza for their technical assistance. We also thank F. Miyamasu, Medical English Communications Center, University of Tsukuba, for the language revision.

Table 1.
Age-adjusted baseline characteristics of participants developing stroke or its subtypes and of participants remaining free of stroke
Total stroke (n=1,620) Subarachnoid hemorrhage (n=124) Intracerebral hemorrhage (n=377) Ischemic stroke (n=1,093) Noncases (n=30,194) Total stroke (n=2,238) Subarachnoid hemorrhage (n=366) Intracerebral hemorrhage (n=528) Ischemic stroke (n=1,304) Noncases (n=59,599)
Age* (yr) 67.3§ 62.5 65.2§ 68.6§ 60.2 67.9§ 64.5§ 66.2§ 69.4§ 57.7
Systolic BP (mm Hg) 141.3§ 138.7 141.2 141.7§ 136.2 139.7§ 140.1§ 139.4 139.8 131.8
Diastolic BP (mm Hg) 81.6 81.1 82.7§ 81.2 80.9 79.4 81.1§ 80.4§ 78.5 77.7
Hypertension (%) 69.5§ 58.9 66.8 71.5§ 54.9 69.5§ 66.7§ 64.8 72.5§ 44.9
Non HDL-C (mg/dL) 136.5 135.5 132.8§ 138.2 140.8 155.2§ 153.3 151.4§ 157.2§ 151.0
 Low (%) 8.3 10.5 10.6§ 7.1 5.9 2.0 2.5 2.1 1.8 2.7
 High (%) 17.8 16.1 17.5 18.3 20.4 35.0§ 33.6 30.5§ 37.3 30.2
HDL-C (mg/dL) 53.2 53.2 54.4 52.6 52.4 55.3 55.8 55.4 55.2 56.8
Low HDL-C (%) 18.3 19.4 17.8 18.6 18.7 12.4 11.8 11.4 12.8 9.0
Hypertriglyceridemia (%) 10.0 9.7 9.8 10.0 13.6 9.7 9.3 10.4 9.3 9.6
Hyperglycemia (%) 26.7 27.4 26.3 26.5 21.9 17.3 11.2 16.5 19.5 12.6
Atrial fibrillation (%) 3.0§ 0.0 2.4 3.7§ 1.0 2.2§ 0.6 1.3 3.1§ 0.3
BMI (kg/m2) 22.9 22.8 22.6§ 22.9 23.3 23.8 23.5 23.8 23.8 23.6
Body weight
 Over (%) 23.6 25.0 22.0 24.1 28.5 34.6 30.6 34.7 35.4 31.4
 Under (%) 5.7 4.8 7.7 5.1 4.2 5.5 4.9 4.6 5.9 3.8
Smoking status
 Past (%) 26.8§ 17.7 26.0 28.2 27.4 0.7 1.1 0.4 0.7 0.7
 Current (%) 50.9§ 61.3 54.9 47.9 50.4 4.6 6.8 4.7 3.8 4.8
Drinking status
 Past (%) 7.4 8.1 6.6 7.5 5.6 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.2
 Current (%) 61.1 61.3 61.5 60.9 65.6 6.5 6.8 5.1 6.8 9.6
ECG ST-T changes (%) 2.9 1.6 1.3 3.7§ 1.4 4.9§ 4.6 4.0 5.1§ 1.8
Funduscopic changes (%) 42.6§ 36.3 37.4 44.7§ 26.0 43.1§ 39.1 40.5 45.5 22.8
Proteinuria (%) 4.1 4.8 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.1 3.3 2.7 3.3 1.8
Low eGFR (%) 11.4 8.1 11.4 11.3 5.8 15.6§ 9.3 13.8 18.1 5.5
Values are means or prevalence, adjusted for age.
BP, blood pressure; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; BMI, body mass index; ECG, electrocardiogram; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.
* Unadjusted;
§ P<0.001 (difference from noncases).
Table 2.
Hazard ratios and population attributable fractions of total stroke
No. at risk Person-years No. of cases Crude incidence, per 1,000 person-years Age- and sex-adjusted HR (95% CI) Multivariable HR (95% CI)* PAF (%) (95% CI)
Hypertension 46,010 873,269 2,682 3.1 1.42 (1.32-1.52) 1.45 (1.35-1.55) 21 (17-25)
 Low 3,559 65,492 179 2.7 1.55 (1.33-1.80) 1.49 (1.28-1.74) 2 (1-2)
 High 25,216 502,764 1,071 2.1 0.96 (0.90-1.04) 0.97 (0.90-1.05) -
Low HDL-C 11,608 222,267 574 2.6 1.12 (1.02-1.22) 1.15 (1.05-1.27) 2 (1-3)
Hypertriglyceridemia 10,167 203,174 379 1.9 0.93 (0.84-1.03) 0.90 (0.81-1.01) -
Hyperglycemia 14,916 278,868 820 2.9 1.23 (1.14-1.33) 1.19 (1.10-1.29) 3 (2-5)
Atrial fibrillation 565 8,067 99 12.3 3.35 (2.74-4.09) 3.39 (2.77-4.15) 2 (1-2)
Body weight
 Over 28,472 572,126 1,158 2.0 1.01 (0.94-1.08) 0.97 (0.90-1.04) -
 Under 3,730 64,479 216 3.3 1.30 (1.13-1.49) 1.31 (1.14-1.51) 1 (1-2)
Smoking status
 Past 9,141 168,988 449 2.7 0.94 (0.82-1.07) 0.92 (0.81-1.05) -
 Current 19,005 348,949 927 2.7 1.37 (1.24-1.53) 1.34 (1.21-1.49) 6 (4-8)
Drinking status
 Past 1,927 30,727 127 4.1 1.15 (0.95-1.39) 1.09 (0.90-1.32) -
 Current 26,649 512,905 1,136 2.2 1.06 (0.97-1.16) 1.00 (0.91-1.09) -
PAF was calculated only when the HR with adjustment for age and sex was significant (P<0.05).
HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; PAF, population attributable fraction; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; CI, confidence interval.
* Adjusted for age, sex, hypertension, low non HDL-C, high non HDL-C, low HDL-C, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia, atrial fibrillation, body weight, and smoking and drinking status.
Table 3.
Hazard ratios of stroke and its subtypes according to the markers of subclinical organ damage and the number of them among hypertensive individuals among hypertensive and nonhypertensive individuals
No. at risk Person-years No. of cases Crude incidence, per 1,000 person-years Age- and sex-adjusted HR (95% CI) Multivariable HR (95% CI)*
Nonhypertensive individuals without subclinical organ damage 39,338 820,199 730 0.9 1.00 1.00
Nonhypertensive individuals with
 ECG ST-T changes 433 8,055 23 2.9 1.54 (1.02-2.33) 1.51 (1.00-2.28)
 Funduscopic changes 6,511 123,399 363 2.9 1.36 (1.20-1.55) 1.36 (1.20-1.54)
 Proteinuria 596 11,024 26 2.4 1.64 (1.11-2.42) 1.62 (1.10-2.39)
 Low eGFR 1,532 26,037 108 4.1 1.28 (1.05-1.56) 1.26 (1.03-1.54)
Hypertensive individuals with
 ECG ST-T changes 1,241 21,278 134 6.3 2.50 (2.09-3.00) 2.45 (2.05-2.94)
 Funduscopic changes 16,567 298,931 1,292 4.3 1.78 (1.62-1.95) 1.82 (1.66-2.00)
 Proteinuria 1,616 26,419 109 4.1 1.83 (1.50-2.22) 1.78 (1.46-2.17)
 Low eGFR 4,055 65,209 426 6.5 1.78 (1.58-2.00) 1.78 (1.58-2.01)
No. of subclinical organ damage markers
 0 26,066 516,439 1,110 2.1 1.37 (1.24-1.50) 1.41 (1.28-1.55)
 1 16,784 307,041 1,233 4.0 1.77 (1.61-1.95) 1.83 (1.66-2.01)
 2 2,804 44,812 292 6.5 2.17 (1.89-2.50) 2.21 (1.91-2.55)
 3+ 356 4,977 47 9.4 3.19 (2.37-4.30) 3.09 (2.29-4.18)
HR for an increase of 1 category number 1.30 (1.23-1.37) 1.29 (1.23-1.37)
HR, hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; ECG, electrocardiogram; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
* Adjusted for age, sex, low non HDL-C, high non HDL-C, low HDL-C, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia, atrial fibrillation, body weight, and smoking and drinking status;
Indicates the number of subclinical organ damage markers with hypertension comprising ECG ST-T changes, funduscopic changes, proteinuria, or low eGFR. Groups with 3 or more markers were included in groups with 2 markers only when they comprised fewer than 10 cases.


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