Infarcts Due to Large Vessel Occlusions Continue to Grow Despite Near-Complete Reperfusion After Endovascular Treatment
Johanna M. Ospel, Nathaniel Rex, Karim Oueidat, Rosalie McDonough, Leon Rinkel, Grayson Baird, Scott Collins, Gaurav Jindal, Matthew D. Alvin, Jerrold Boxerman, Phil Barber, Mahesh Jayaraman, Wendy Smith, Amanda Amirault-Capuano, Michael D. Hill, Mayank Goyal, Ryan McTaggart
J Stroke. 2024;26(2):260-268.   Published online 2024 May 30     DOI:
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Cerebral Infarct Growth: Pathophysiology, Pragmatic Assessment, and Clinical Implications
Umberto Pensato, Andrew M. Demchuk, Bijoy K. Menon, Thanh N. Nguyen, Gabriel Broocks, Bruce C.V. Campbell, Diego A. Gutierrez Vasquez, Peter J. Mitchell, Michael D. Hill, Mayank Goyal, Johanna M. Ospel
Stroke.2025; 56(1): 219.     CrossRef