Etiology, 3-Month Functional Outcome and Recurrent Events in Non-Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Martina B. Goeldlin, Achim Mueller, Bernhard M. Siepen, Madlaine Mueller, Davide Strambo, Patrik Michel, Michael Schaerer, Carlo W. Cereda, Giovanni Bianco, Florian Lindheimer, Christian Berger, Friedrich Medlin, Roland Backhaus, Nils Peters, Susanne Renaud, Loraine Fisch, Julien Niederhaeuser, Emmanuel Carrera, Elisabeth Dirren, Christophe Bonvin, Rolf Sturzenegger, Timo Kahles, Krassen Nedeltchev, Georg Kaegi, Jochen Vehoff, Biljana Rodic, Manuel Bolognese, Ludwig Schelosky, Stephan Salmen, Marie-Luise Mono, Alexandros A. Polymeris, Stefan T. Engelter, Philippe Lyrer, Susanne Wegener, Andreas R. Luft, Werner Z’Graggen, David Bervini, Bastian Volbers, Tomas Dobrocky, Johannes Kaesmacher, Pasquale Mordasini, Thomas R. Meinel, Marcel Arnold, Javier Fandino, Leo H. Bonati, Urs Fischer, David J. Seiffge,
J Stroke. 2022;24(2):266-277.   Published online 2022 May 31     DOI:
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