Mechanical Thrombectomy Versus Intravenous Thrombolysis in Distal Medium Vessel Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Multinational Multicenter Propensity Score-Matched Study
Hamza Adel Salim, Vivek Yedavalli, Basel Musmar, Nimer Adeeb, Muhammed Amir Essibayi, Kareem El Naamani, Nils Henninger, Sri Hari Sundararajan, Anna Luisa Kühn, Jane Khalife, Sherief Ghozy, Luca Scarcia, Benjamin Y.Q. Tan, Benjamin Pulli, Jeremy J. Heit, Robert W. Regenhardt, Nicole M. Cancelliere, Joshua D. Bernstock, Aymeric Rouchaud, Jens Fiehler, Sunil Sheth, Ajit S. Puri, Christian Dyzmann, Marco Colasurdo, Xavier Barreau, Leonardo Renieri, João Pedro Filipe, Pablo Harker, Razvan Alexandru Radu, Thomas R. Marotta, Julian Spears, Takahiro Ota, Ashkan Mowla, Pascal Jabbour, Arundhati Biswas, Frédéric Clarençon, James E. Siegler, Thanh N. Nguyen, Ricardo Varela, Amanda Baker, David Altschul, Nestor R. Gonzalez, Markus A. Möhlenbruch, Vincent Costalat, Benjamin Gory, Christian Paul Stracke, Mohammad Ali Aziz-Sultan, Constantin Hecker, Hamza Shaikh, David S. Liebeskind, Alessandro Pedicelli, Andrea M. Alexandre, Illario Tancredi, Tobias D. Faizy, Erwah Kalsoum, Boris Lubicz, Aman B. Patel, Vitor Mendes Pereira, Adrien Guenego, Adam A. Dmytriw, the MAD MT Investigators
J Stroke. 2024;26(3):434-445. Published online September 13, 2024
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Endovascular Treatment of Distal-M2 Segment Occlusions: A Clinical Registry and Meta-Analysis
Sacha Bensoussan, Stephanos Nikolaos Finitsis, Bertrand Lapergue, Gaultier Marnat, Igor Sibon, Solène Moulin, Jean-Marc Olivot, Sébastien Richard, Charlotte Rosso, Benjamin Gory, Frédéric Clarençon, on behalf of the ETIS Registry Investigators
J Stroke. 2023;25(2):299-302. Published online March 23, 2023
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Does Clot Burden Score on Baseline T2*-MRI Impact Clinical Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Treated with Mechanical Thrombectomy?
Imad Derraz, Romain Bourcier, Marc Soudant, Sébastien Soize, Wagih Ben Hassen, Gabriella Hossu, Frederic Clarencon, Anne Laure Derelle, Marie Tisserand, Helene Raoult, Laurence Legrand, Serge Bracard, Catherine Oppenheim, Olivier Naggara, on behalf of the THRACE Investigators
J Stroke. 2019;21(1):91-100. Published online January 31, 2019
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